Me and My Tree - Day One

Me and My Tree - Day One

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oops...correcting a BIG mistake.

So, I'm laying in bed last night, listening to the rain, wondering when/if Summer is ever going to start, and I think about all those people sweltering in the 100+ degree heat in the Midwest, and I decide that maybe the rain isn't so bad after all. In fact (at this point I'm just trying to think positive about our crummy weather) the rain is good for my tree. It can use the water and the rain will help settle the soil in the new pot. Then WHAM it hits me! I planted my tree in a pot without any holes in the bottom!  No way for all that Oregon rain water to drain. My tree is doomed, unless I take immediate action! Or action after eating breakfast and getting a haircut in the morning. 

First thing, I had to take the tree back out of barrel, and then drill some holes in the bottom. This did mean I got to go buy a new drill bit,and anytime you are forced to buy new tools, it's a plus. Three holes with a 3/4 inch bit should be good.

 To help with the drainage, I added some gravel to the bottom of the barrel. Just enough to keep the dirt off the bottom. The barrel is already heavy enough without a bunch of rocks weighing it down.

 Then, tree goes back in. After getting it centered and straight, I replaced the planting mix and patted it down.

Home again, good as new, and ready for all that Oregon liquid sunshine!  

1 comment:

  1. Nice save! I'm surprised you didn't get up in the middle of the night in the pouring rain and make these adjustments!
